Sunday, 24 March 2013

Day 21… Palm Sunday

“My life is not my own, to you I belong. I give myself to you. I give myself away so you can use me, I give myself away so you ca use me.
These are the words of a song by William MacDowell and it is also a prayer. It always challenges me when I forget that being saved isn’t all about me and that I was saved to serve in the Kingdom.
When I started my lent, I made la list of prayer topics for each week… but I couldn’t totally stick to it. Along the way stuff happened spiritually and made me change topics of prayer. The list is getting longer and longer as I pray for friends, family, work, health, spiritual stuffs, I am convince that by the end of my lent (12th April) I would have left out topics that should have been added to the list.
You may think that it is hard to carry this out. All it takes is discipline and commitment. If something really matters to you, you will find the time to do it… I carry a bible around and have set few annoying alarms during the day to remind me that it is time for prayer. 5 to 20 minutes depending of how busy my days are.
Besides, the true sacrifice came from the One who let himself nailed on the cross so that I can be Free, The One who intervenes for me from the right hand of the Father. I am just so grateful to find a use in the Kingdom and to pray for those who are yet to find the Lord.
My greatest desire is to be useful in the Kingdom or more useful should I say. I feel slightly disappointed by my lack of boldness when it comes to talking to the Homeless I serve about the Kingdom. Thank God the other volunteers are bolder in bringing them the Word weekly. I hope to be more able to share when we start helping in old people’s home soon… may be it is just not my gift to share but just to be… which one do you think I should pray for? no idea yet...
Today I didn’t do to morning service I have been running around so much lately and needed that quite time. Some of it meditating on the Word and this mammoth task I have set to myself.
For breakfast, I had some of the cookies I made yesterday with a red fruits tea. Over this week end I also revisited and old grandma recipe. I remind me of my childhood with mammy KoKwa, my paternal Grandma. It is mashed ripe plantain with red kidney beans, palm oil and a dust of salt. (My love for sweet and salty might actually be coming from that now that I think of it).
Plantain, beans, palm oil, salt
This is the simplest recipe in the world and is the last meal I would ask if I was about to die. It is sweet and salty and really comforting… what can I say. No matter how adventurous your pallet may be, there is always a meal that says “I am home”! For me this is the one.

pounded palntain
Its nutritional value isn’t bad either. Check this out; the plantain contains vitamin B6, Vitamin A and C. The kidney beans protect against heart diseases, and a great source of protein. As for the palm oil it contains vitamin E, beta carotene, co-enzyme Q10 … According to a Portuguese explorer palm oil smells like violets, tastes like olives, has a colour of food blended saffron”. It is not be used by amateurs.
See you tomorrow for day 22. Thanks for reading.

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