Thursday, 14 March 2013

Day 11 … Conspiracy!

Have you ever decided to cut out an ingredient from your food and discover that the said ingredient is in every thing you want to buy?
My beef is with sugar today. It is one of he items banned on my XL vegan lent. Try buying a jar of tomato sauce that doesn’t have sugar or animal dairy in its ingredients list.
A week ago I was going to eat vegetables for lunch. I hadn’t had the time to stir fry them. Iwas going to find some sort of sauce to put over my microwave steamed vegetables… I can tell you it wasn’t fun trying to read all the Dolmio and the likes sauce that were on the shelves… I ended up irate and no longer hungry… I had spent my lunch hour any way. So I took my vegetables back home for dinner. Got home, decided to look at my black soy sauce’s label. There was sugar in it too!
I think this is a conspiracy against people who are trying to live a healthy life style including the diabetics, vegans and vegetarians. Even the simplest items of foods are full of extra unwanted and unnecessary stuff. Ready meals are cheaper than a bag of good apples in the supermarket and then people cry out when they see muffin tops walk past. Raw unprocessed foods are much more expensive than refined foods… how the hell did that happen? How can the food industry put all that energy, add ingredients only to sell it cheaper?... don’t get it. Now I can put a name to my suspicions… I am always questioning the 3 for 2 or buy one get one free… do you think the supermarket work hand in hand with the NHS?...

Chunky tomato chutney
Anyways that night I made my own chunky tomato sauce (salty chutney) to eat my vegetables with. It is really practical to have a jar of it in the fridge. These sauces are great for snacks too and would work on a salty pancake, piece of bread, potato or plantain…
Roasted mushrooms
To make a the sauce you will need a Jar (really important), plenty of vegetable oil, a big onion, 5 garlic cloves, 1 tin of peeled tomato, 2 medium fresh tomatoes, a hand full of  chopped leek. Fry the onion, chuck the rest in the oil, cook the mix for 10 minutes to get rid of the water. Don’t over fry the tomato or it’ll lose it sweetness. Leave to cool put in the jar, Voila!
For my lunch today I had some seasoned roasted giant mushrooms with a green pepper and yellow plantain… don’t be fooled by my plate here, I had seconds… and my friend chunky tomato sauce was at the party too! It took me 30 minute to get this ready last night. Good food doesn’t take ages to prepare once you know where to start. A good knife makes everything simpler!

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