Friday, 22 March 2013

Day 19... Going away?

Wow 40 days of special food regime… One thing that you may not consider when deciding to eliminate some items of foods from you diet is, what would happen if you decided to go away for the weekend or take a sort break… No tea, no coffee, no sugar, no flour, no rice, no pasta, no biscuits, no deep fried food. How do you deal with that if you are not even going to have the possibility to cook your own food while away?
My solution? Do not go away! But if you are a certified vegan you would know how to deal with those situations. For me? I’d prefer not going away at all.
For some this is the season to take short breaks with partners and children, You can’t cancel the break unless every body is on the same regime or has the same concerns as you.  So here is what you could do. Be prepared. Make some chutney or dips in advance. On this blog, you will find two savoury chutneys; see day 11 and day 13. And to accompany them, make some savoury biscuits out of fruit and oatbran. For snack, make some cookies out of oatbran and liquidised fruits… I am going to try making some tomorrow and will post the recipe later on the blog. So, do check day 20 blog. Pack all that and you will feel safe until you find what you can and can't eat what you get to your holidays destination
I am still trying to lose the 3 pounds gained during the last 18 days and the best I could do was not to consume banana at all day today.
For breakfast I had my beloved oatbran with rice milk… without fresh fruit. Yuk! This is getting hard. I need to cut down on fruit as they are full of calories and sugar too.
For lunch, I had some microwave steamed French beans with a special sweet and salty chutney and crushed walnuts.
To make the chunky sauce, you will need 1 beetroot, 1 yellow plum, 1 half onion,  5 garlic cloves, 2 table spoons of vegetable oil or olive oil, 1 small tomato and a hand full of dry raisins… I love sweet and salty stuff… even my pop corns are sweet and salty.
So, chop all the ingredients, fry the oinion with thyme until caramelized, throw in the rest of the chopped ingredients. Cook until soft, mash it a little bit and ad a bit of water to make it saucy, then crush half a vegetable stock into the mix. Leave to cook for another2 minutes don’t let it dry off. It is ready.

Steam the French beans separately for 5 minutes in the microwave, serve them topped with your chunky sauce and then add the crushed walnuts. Voila! Enjoy.
Sorry had to make it short tonight. It is soup run night it is raining and it is cold out side...bbbbbbrrrrrghgghh!
See you tomorrow.

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