Friday, 8 March 2013

Daniel day 4… Alert ugly head in view.

I may have spoken too fast on yesterday‘s post. See, I suffer from severe anaemia and other ailments. I am often in pain and chronically tired. Until this morning I thought that I was all right because I hadn’t seen sign of all that too much this year yet. This morning, I was reminded that my old friends are very much there.
So I woke up at 5 am, made the bed prep the breakfast settled down for the teachings on Premier… then fail asleep. I didn’t have my breakfast at home today as when I snapped out my nod/nap it was 7am. I packed my food and ate it at work. I spent the rest of the day tired and in pain.
If I was overly spiritual, I would say that the devil is already at work beckoning me to drop the fasting and given my oh so regular “rendez-vous” (with “handsome” doctors) at Mayday, Purley hospitals and GP last year, I could just stop things here because of my fear of a repeat. I guess this is where my faith will have to play. I believe that God is a healer and health is one of my prayer points during this time of fast. I pray that I will never again have a year like the one I had last year with my health issues.
The other reason for this fast I guess is to learn to cope with the things that I consume that might ultimately be bad for my body… like my abusive consumption of milk and love for dairy products, savoury biscuits and coffee.
If I can make it to the end of this week, I should be fine and I pray that the Lord will give me the strength to complete the fast… only 21 days to go. Yay!!!
Discoloured fruits salad
Apart from that gloom, food was a great today. I have my discoloured fruit salad at work with caffeine free, sugar free Acai berry tea… the fruits salad was made of 1 banana, a handful of blackberries and a handful of strawberries.  
Note for the future: for a better fruits salad experience, you better eat it within 30 minutes after chopping them… I hate discoloured food fruits!
My lunch & the burned Hassleback
For lunch we had a green mixed salad with radishes, olives and tomato drizzled with a balsamic vinegar and subfloor oil vinaigrette accompanied with a (burned)  hasslebak potatoes to replace the bread.

I went out for dinner with my team today at Giraffe… the choice wasn’t great for vegans or vegetarians for that matter. So I had an olive pickle for starters, a house salad and roast vegetables plus corn on a cob. I took my banana with my to the restaurant as there was no option for me on the card… I ended up not eating it as we were all too stuffed to take dessert. All I drank was a glace of water with a slice of lemon in it while looking enviously at my colleagues’ cocktails…
Note about going out: make our mid up before going out. Do not bow to peers pressure and ask your friends to respect your choices. Tell your waiter about your current dietary requirements… above all, check the restaurant menu before hand and make your choices (you won’t have too many choices anyway with this diet. By making your choices and your substitutions in advance you won’t hold up people at the table and won’t be considered weird!
 Voila! Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you for reading! 
This is how they should look like - Hassleback Potatoes


  1. Ian-Luke Penwald via Facebook: I have now caught up with all your blog posts and am reading you at 03.43am. You write very well and have the knack of taking your readers on a journey with you. When you first old m about the blog I was expecting more to be interested in what sort of food you would make for yourself on such a strict fast. Instead I get an insight into you and am already very moved by the references to what you have recently been through and why you have undertaken the fast. I must admit that I laughed at the point when you mentioned your concern about the weird stuff - like praying for random strangers. You have read the Book of Daniel right? It can only get more weird from here. Press on...don't give up!!

    1. Morning Luke, coming from you this is so encougaging... thank you so much. though the pricipal idea was food, the journey seemed more appropriate. and the. receipes will probably be compiled in the lasts posts... you made my Friday! lots of love.
