Friday, 5 April 2013

Day 27… Spring Harvest day 1

The breakfast was a bit of a challenge today. Given that most full English breakfast includes Tomato and mushroom, I assumed that I would only have mushroom and tomato. But, to my surprise, there was eggs meat and more meat in various forms, then, all the breakfast fruit or salads where bathing in sugar… After my first walk in the buffet area, all I could eat was citruses and my own fruit tea.
Then I decide to ask the team of waiters if there was some thing they could do for me as I was vegan, they said no and seem quiet unhelpful… I asked If the were at least some tomato they could fry for me. The first chef came out and said in broken English “no no we don’t have zat”! the whole team was Polish… So I let go. At this point in that room, I was the only black woman and I was making a fuss… 2 or 3 people were staring at my fruits plate with that “how dare she be different? I didn’t care. All my meal were paid for and I needed o eat.
Then the kindness looking waiter walked pass by, I spoke to him. This other waiter spoke a better English, he understood my predicament and got me an even more helpful  chef who, promised me that for the next week he will be cooking my breakfast and keeping it in the back for me. Result!
Ten minutes after the conversation appeared a plate of tomatoes and mushrooms… seasoning less and saltless. Thank goodness once again I had my Jar of tomato chutney. At the end I enjoyed this!
My dinner
I was a bit more apprehensive for lunch. The room was fuller with people and I really didn’t want to make the same thing I did this morning… I was so glad when I saw, baked potatoes, steamed red cabbage, boiled-to-death leek.
I couldn’t use any of the sauces provided as I had no access to the ingredients. I just took my plate as it was and added some fried onions… bob’s your uncle.
Tea time was the same as yesterday; sandwich, crisps, fruits. Gave away mine and instead ate this great salad that I had from Marks and Spencer’s. It constitute on Endamame soy beans, sugar snaps peas, green beans & coriander.

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