It is day 10 to yay!
According to Daniel 1 v15, it was on day 10 that the eunuch came to check on Daniel and his friends. After Daniel refused to eat the food offered to him by the king and decided to go for vegetable in stead. The eunuch only agreed to if Daniel and his friend remained healthy and well fed looking after ten days in the diet.
When the eunuch came back on the 10th Daniel, Hananaiah, mishael & Azariah looked event better that the other student who were being feed from the kings reserve. So, they didn’t lose weight either. I can believe that.
Today incidentally, I was complimented many times about my general “bonne mine”. Isn’t that funny?
My snacks options so far |
For the last ten days every time I told some one that I was going vegan for the next 40 days, their first reaction was: are you o a diet?, what are you going to eat, oh I cant join you because…whatever. All those reactions are based on the assumption that the vegans do not have much choice in what they eat. It also the result of the misconception that nothing else is available to eat beside the rubbish that is so readily available to us.
Well, I am still out to prove to my connections/friends that they are wrong. All this is of course a lot of efforts, a lot more labels reading and finding alternative which often aren’t the cheapest. But it is possible to be vegan and WELL FED!
My lunch |
On to my food for today; breakfast was same as yesterday. For lunch I had a very colourful salad made of Beetroot, grated carrots, sunflower seeds & garlic. For vinaigrette I just had a squeeze of lemon.
I love this salad and ordinarily will have it with grated cheese, and a piece of baguette. You can also shred a piece or roasted chicken on to of this if you like chicken. It is great combo and you will stay fuller for longer too.
Beans, lentils & plantain for dinner |
For dinner I had this beautiful plate. Black lentil and kidney beans cooked in grated ginger onions and garlic with a little bit of fresh thyme & a chilli. Accompanied by boiled in the skin plantain. The bean will also work well with fried plantains. The beans can be enjoyed cooked with liver or kidneys which I love!
If you are reading this, please do post a comment or DM me on tweet tweet @hjulienne. Prayer time this week is at 11.30 am. We are praying for church leaders and those leading para-churches organisations. Thank you for joining even in spirit. Blessings.